

    What do you want?


    (A surprisingly difficult question to answer!)



  • "How do I figure out what's next?"

    A common question...but often so difficult to answer!

    When people try to answer this question, what they want is clarity and the confidence it brings. But all that often happens is they get consumed by anxiety as their thinking runs around in circles. The lack of clarity starts to eat away at their confidence because they question their skills and wonder what, if anything they can actually do! I often hear, "I know I can do my current job but I don't know if there is still demand for my skills in the outside world because I have been doing the same thing for so long."

    The value of the right questions first…

    This question is difficult to answer because it is usually the first question people ask themselves when they are wondering if they are in the right place, right now. However, it is much easier to answer when there is some work done up front that brings clarity to what you really want. That means different questions have to be answered first, the most important of which is "What are the guidelines for choosing what I want to do with my life?"


    When you define your purpose, those guidelines are revealed. Everybody has a purpose and when you discover it, you come to a much better understanding of what drives you, what inspires you and what feeds your soul!


    We not only define your purpose, we develop the story around it so that you can explain it to yourself and others in a clear, concise and compelling way. In that story will be the guidelines for how you want to spend your time in a way that gives you meaning and fulfilment, both at work and in your regular life. It will provide clarity around what careers and outside activities will elevate your experience of living and it will give you more confidence that you are making the right decisions about your future.

  • Define your purpose to clarify your future

    The short version!



    We define your purpose in 7 words or less. Then we develop a concise and compelling purpose story that communicates your full value.



    Uncertainty creates anxiety. Clarity of purpose is the antidote because it contains the guidelines for future decision making.

    Confidence is the outcome.



    With the confidence of clarity, you act more powerfully, others see your full value and decisions about your future will be easier to make.

  • Defining Your Purpose

    In 7 words or less

    What we produce together when we define your purpose:

    1. A statement of purpose in 7 words or less.
    2. The clear, concise and compelling story of your purpose.
    3. The benefits of your purpose to the material audiences in your life so you can  customize your story to the needs and perceptions of each one.
    4. A one page resume that is more powerful, appropriate and resonant for people at the senior level. It answers the question "What magic are you bringing to the table?", not "What is your work history?"
    5. Defining next steps (how you will put your purpose into action inside and outside of your career).
    Please see "Defining Your Purpose" in my blog for a short article on what it looks like to define your purpose in 7 words or less and how it helps you move forward with more confidence.
  • Our Continuing Collaboration

    The value of having a thinking partner dedicated to you and your needs

    In addition to defining your purpose and story, we can collaborate in three areas that will accelerate all aspects of your business relationships, your career, your life and your purpose:


    1. Removal of Barriers

    We will detangle complex situations, revealing the hidden factors that stand in the way of you taking confident action.


    2. Creation of Strategies

    We will plan strategies for confident action so that initiatives take the cleanest line from point A to point B.


    3. Enhancement of Executive Skills

    We will develop leadership and communication strategies you can use to resolve specific situations and which you can use in your day-to-day interactions.



    Examples of issues we can explore

    Am I in the right career?

    Should I start my own business?

    What is the best business model for my company?

    How can I be a more powerful leader?

    What is the real/full value of my skills, wisdom and experience?

    How can I be more influential at work and in life?

    How can I inspire people?

    How can I make better decisions about my future?

    How can I be a magnet for the things I want in life?

    Why should people choose me?

  • Click the image to buy the book.

    Why should I choose you?

    Your Purpose – defined in 7 words or less – provides a clear, concise and compelling answer to the most important question in business.


    Click the image above to buy the book from Amazon.

  • Easy Start

    How to dip your toe in the water with no financial or other obligations

    Is coaching right for you? Are we right for each other? What is it like to define your purpose?


    My first session with a new client – what I call the Foundation Session – is always free so that we can ensure that we work well together as thinking partners. Contact me below to discuss your questions and schedule a free Foundation Session.

  • Blog

    Elevating Your Career

    I am finding in my coaching practice that, as clients contemplate their futures, they want whatever they do to be aligned with their purpose. This makes intuitive sense but that intention usually comes to a grinding halt when someone is then asked the simple question “What is your purpose?” The...
    This article is on the tangible value of purpose in business but it applies to individuals as well. Knowing your purpose makes you more persuasive because you have confidence in what you stand for and people are inspired by your purpose. From Forbes... Global Study Reveals Consumers Are Four To...
    One day last week I found myself with an entire afternoon free. It was the perfect amount of time to plow through two major projects I had been putting off for months. I had a veritable ocean of time to get disciplined and focused. Oh, but wait. A few things I needed to pick up before the...
  • broken image

    Ian Chamandy

    I spent my entire career helping people gain clarity by getting to the root of issues, whether personal or business. My own purpose statement is


    "From confusion to clarity"


    I have worked with more than 400 companies and philanthropies over the last 15 years, co-leading them on a journey to get to the essence of “who” they really are – in 7 words or less (7words.biz). This becomes the mantra that guides how companies operate and communicate, giving them an elevated confidence in their business and the full value it delivers. I apply the same principles of “getting to the root” with my coaching clients so that they have a clear, confident path forward.